2017 Unveiling the Universe

The theme of the 2017 edition of the school was “Unveiling the Universe: when Science hits the News”

Programme is available here


Science Lectures: Amedeo BALBI (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT), John CARR (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS, FR), Luisa CIFARELLI (CentroFermi, IT), Eleonora COSSI (INFN Press Office, IT), Michelangelo MANGANO (CERN, CH), Paolo PANI (University of Rome, IT), Massimo PIETRONI (INFN Padua, IT), Sheila ROWAN (University of Glasgow, UK)

Media Lectures: Fred BALVERT (MC Erasmus, NL), Mike BECKERS (Spektrum, Heidelberg, DK), Marco CATTANEO (Le Scienze, IT), Lars LINDBERG CHRISTENSEN (Head of Communication Dept., ESO,DK), Nicola NOSENGO (Freelance Journalist, IT)