Fred BALVERT (MC Erasmus, Rotterdam), TheĀ Netherlands
Tommaso CALARCO (University of Ulm), Germany (BIO)
Michel CLAESSENS (ITER policy and communication officer, Marseille), France
Eleonora COSSI (INFN Press Office), Italy
Vitalba CRIVELLO (European Parliament, Brussels), Belgium
Jop DE VRIEZE (journalist, Amsterdam) The Netherlands
Guenther DISSERTORI (ETH, Zurich), Switzerland (BIO)
Claudia DI GIORGIO (Editor, Le Scienze), Italy
Alba FERNANDEZ BARRAL (Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory), Italy (BIO)
Alessandra FORNETTI (Venice International University), Italy
Giuliana GALATI (INFN Naples & blogger), Italy
Jacopo PASOTTI (freelance journalist and reporter), Italy
Michele PUNTURO (ET spokesperson & INFN Perugia), Italy
Giovanni SPATARO (Le Scienze), Italy
Brian TRENCH (Dublin City University), Ireland